Saturday, February 3, 2007

Complaining About BloggerBotIsDead

I wanted to add some pics to this blog, so I followed the link in Blogger to, where I read about how BloggerBot works with Blogger. I felt really good that this was so easy, even though I'm new to blogging. I followed the directions, downloaded and installed the Hello software, and then I ran into a roadblock. Instead of BloggerBot being listed as one of my "friends," I found a BloggerBotIsDead friend -- and it didn't work. I tried adding BloggerBot, but that stayed as "pending" and I suspect I'll never get him to admit he's my friend. So I was stuck after following Blogger's and's advice, but I figured I must be doing something wrong. This should work, right?

After scouting around, I found this blog with the explanation and what to do about BloggerBotIsDead. If they've know about this problem with the new Blogger since November, how come Blogger still recommends and links to it? And how come hasn't changed the Web pages to reflect the change, instead making us think it all works?

What a huge time waster on my Saturday. Thanks Blogger and Not!

Instead of BloggerBotIsDead, why not just update the Web page to explain what happened? Or how about BloggerBotWillNeverWorkAgain or DoNotUseBloggerBot? That would've given me and everyone else a clue not to use it and waste so much time.

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